iPhone 4S Preorders in Taiwan Surpasses Record Breaking 400,000 Units

iPhone 4S is riding high in every part of the world and Taiwan is no exception

where it breaks all previous records and surpasses total preorder of 400,000

Units as of December 6th.


iPhone 4S preorders was first offered by Taiwan Mobile and Far Eastone in Taiwan

on December 1 and since then buyers went crazy and caused operator websites to

crash within few hours according to local media reports.

The iPhone 4S has created lots of hype as it is the last device launched by Apple

Inc. during its co-founder Steve Jobs lifetime.The device is set to launch on

December 16th in Taiwan and we all know how far it can go from here.

So have you got one or planning to buy during X-mass vacation, do share your

thoughts in comment section below.

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