SOPA is creating to much noise these days and it is concerning
entire web as it gives the ability to US government to block the entire
website just for a single copyright issue, harsh isn't? Meanwhile
Anonymous hacking group plans To Destroy Sony’s Online Network
for supporting SOPA.
entire web as it gives the ability to US government to block the entire
website just for a single copyright issue, harsh isn't? Meanwhile
Anonymous hacking group plans To Destroy Sony’s Online Network
for supporting SOPA.
What is SOPA?
SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act, is a bill that was introduced by
Lamar Smith in the US House of Representatives on October 26, 2011.As
the name suggest, the bill is basically made to stop online piracy .It
gives US government the power to to censor the internet.
the name suggest, the bill is basically made to stop online piracy .It
gives US government the power to to censor the internet.
Some Scary Facts About SOPA
How SOPA works?
SOPA will give power to US government to block sites that not following
copy wright laws in number of ways.The bill is being supported and
sponsored by entertainment industry including Hollywood, record
labels like Sony Music Entertainment and TV networks.
copy wright laws in number of ways.The bill is being supported and
sponsored by entertainment industry including Hollywood, record
labels like Sony Music Entertainment and TV networks.
Number of ways in which U.S. government can block any site.
1. Force ISP networks to block access to DNS servers.
2. Force search Engines like Google, bing, yahoo etc to block sites.
3. Force advertisers to block your site.
Who Supports SOPA?
Lamar Smith: Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee also he is the
creater and main sponsor of SOPA.
creater and main sponsor of SOPA.
Mel Watts: Ranking member of the subcommittee on intellectual property,
competition and the Internet of the House judiciary committee.
Other Politicians like Politicians Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Mary Bono
Mack(R-CA), Steve Chabot (R-OH), John Conyers (D-MI),
Ted Deutch (D-FL), Elton Gallegly (R-CA), Bob Goodlatte (R-VA)
are also supporting SOPA.
Mack(R-CA), Steve Chabot (R-OH), John Conyers (D-MI),
Ted Deutch (D-FL), Elton Gallegly (R-CA), Bob Goodlatte (R-VA)
are also supporting SOPA.
Godaddy : For your information Godaddy is still supporting SOPA althghou they
have posted a public notice about not supportin SOPA.
HollyWood : As movies are illegally downloaded through various torrents
websites HollyWood is strongly supporting SOPA.
Music Industries : same goes for music, music industry faces huge lose due to
Comcast : Cable TV and internet service provider Comcast is strongly
supporting SOPA.
Microsoft : They think it will boost their products like bing, hotmail,
windows etc.
Other Companies Supporting SOPA:
60 Plus Association
ABCAlliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP)
American Federation of Musicians (AFM)
Association of American Publishers (AAP)Association of State Criminal
Investigative Agencies
Association of Talent Agents (ATA)Baker & Hostetler LLPBeachbody, LLC
Concerned Women for America (CWA)
Disney Publishing Worldwide
Go Daddy
Gospel Music AssociationGraphic Artists GuildHachette Book GroupHarperCollins
Publishers Worldwide
Inc.HyperionIndependent Film & Television Alliance (IFTA)
International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees (IATSE)
International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition (IACC)
Major League Baseball
Majority City ChiefsMarvel Entertainment,
Moving Picture Technicians
Who Is Against SOPA?
Nancy Pelosi : She is the Minority Leader of the United States House of
Representatives also she is considered as one of the highest-ranking female
politician in American history.
Darrell Issa : He is the U.S. Representative for California's 49th
congressional district and a a member of the Republican Party.
peoples like Jason Chaffetz, Zoe Lofgren, Mike Honda are also against SOPA.
Google : As SOPA will affect products like YouTube, Google+, blogger etc
Google is strongly oppossing SOPA.
Wikipedia : Wikipedia made it clear that they are against SOPA as it can harm
thier exsistence.
Other oppent includes Yahoo!, Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress, LinkedIn, Tumblr,
AOL, eBay, Mozilla Corporation
Threat from SOPA :
1. Threat to Web hosting companies
2. Threat to online businesses
3. Threat to Open Source cummunities like wordpress, mozilla etc.
4. Threat to Search engines
5. Internet Speeds May Slow Down
6. Threat to social media platforms like Google+, facebook, twitter etc.
7. Threat to file hosting services like mediafire.
8. Threat to online freedom of speech: no social media platform means no
freedom of speech.
9. Threat to Bloggers
10. Threat to Open Source software
11. DNS system in US block certain sites.
12. Internet service Providers can be forced to block internet access
completely to individuals
How it Will Affect you?
1. Downloading free content will become Ambigous.
2. Open source sites like wikipedia will be shut down.
3. Internet speed will be reduce.
4. Use Of Illegal Web Proxies Will Increase.
5. End of bloggers: no blogger means no content.
6. Online music stores will be shut down.
The bill is so crappy that companies can even take an action against a child
singing a song in a video, So raise your voice against SOPA
info graphic
How to stop SOPA?
1. Call Your State Senators: most important and effective step to stop SOPA.
2. Place a black bar with the words “Stop censorship” on your blog/website.
3. Use #CENSORSHIPEVERYWHERE to censor your post ever where including yourblog post, social media platform (like Google+, Facebook, twitter etc.)
For more information go to American Censorship.
4.Set your profile picture labeled with stop sopa banner.
5.Transfer your domain from Godaddy.
6. Stop supporting sopa supporters.
7. Sign Online Petitions here
8. Inform your friends and family.
Learn more about SOPA here:
Tell us what you think about sopa and how how this will affect you?
in the comment section below.
in the comment section below.
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